Tuesday 11 February 2014

First Hand Personal Accounts:
Lucy Shaffi: 'I remember coming here (to the site) in year ten and feelings completely overwhelmed and lost somehow, like I wasn't in London anymore. I know that sounds weird but because it was so, like, boxed in I felt really isolated and trapped somehow. Yeah, I don't really like that site, it scares me. [laughs].'

Ruby Holder:'I don't really know that fire exit space well because its by the side of the school I never really go on, so I guess if I went there it would feel quite strange and abnormal.'

Khai Shaw: 'I remember in year ten being quite nervous to go down to that area by the side of the school because we just never went there often. The one time I went there I felt quite rebellious even though it was allowed. I think I felt that because there's not much that side of the school and it can be quite dark and lonely down there. I dunno, it's just not a place I would go to if I had the choice.'

From these accounts I got the feelings that this site is very mysterious and can make some people feel nervous. Somehow I would like to incorporate this into our piece.

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