Tuesday 4 February 2014

Today we got put into our site specific performance groups. I am with Daisy, Ashley, Rebecca, Lizzie and Danny. We decided to call our company Hook, as we believe that people will get ''hooked'' onto our performances. After looking around for a bit, we agreed that our performance would be devised and performed in the disabled loo by student services. We understand that this is a slightly obscure place to put on a piece of theatre, but we loved how quirky the site was. As it is a small, confined space, we believe that it will make for a interesting and new stage. I started to get inspired by the very ordered manner of the loo and how secretive loo's can be. 

The function of the site is obviously where people go to release themselves, but I started to wonder about all the others things people do in loo's. For example, people often take drugs in toilets or touch up their make-up. In more tragic cases, people use loo's to self harm or to throw up. This combined with the different shapes in the loo, created a sense of routine and a dysfunctional backdrop to a very ordinary setting.  

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